Germany identity card

Buy a German ID card in original quality online. Model 2021 year. According to the German ID card law, the possession of an identity card or passport is mandatory for every person in Germany aged 16 and over. German citizens traveling within Europe can use their ID card, a machine-readable travel document, instead of a passport.

Below you will find all the information you need to order an ID card:

Your family name:

Your first name(s):

Your gender (M or F):

Your date and place of birth:

Your address:

ID number (optional):

Issue date and expiry date (optional):

Your weight (optional):

Your height (optional):

Your eye color (optional):

Your hair color (optional):

Written signature in digital format (black ink, white background, high resolution):

Your photo in digital format (color, white background, high resolution):

Germany identity card

 It is commonly referred to as an identity card (IC, ID card, citizen card)[a] or passport when issued in a tiny, regular credit card format. [b] Some countries issue formal identification documents, eg national ID cards, which may be required or optional, while others may rely on regional ID cards or informal documents to verify identity. The identity card for sale, photo ID card, refers to an identification document that contains a person’s photo.
In many countries, a driver’s license can be used to verify identity in the absence of formal proof of identity. Some countries refuse to recognize driver’s licenses as ID because they do not expire as documents in certain countries and are outdated or easy to forge. In most countries, passports are accepted as an identification document.  In some countries everyone is required to carry ID with them at all times. 
A person’s identification document is used to link them to information about them, usually stored in a database. The photo, as well as the fact that it belongs to the person, is used to link the person to the document. Personal information on the document, such as the holder’s full name, age, date of birth, address, identification number, card number, gender, citizenship and more, is used to create a link between the identification document and the information database. The safest method is to use a unique national identification number (Buy UK ID Card). However, in some countries such numbers are missing or are not included in the identity documents.